Personal Injury
Personal Injury Law concerns situations in which a person's body, mind or emotions are hurt, usually due to someone else's negligence or carelessness.
Our firm is open to considering any serious personal injury on behalf of a Plaintiff. The lawyers at D'Arcy & Deacon have extensive experience acting on behalf of individuals who have experienced seious injury or lost a loved one as result of someone else's negligence. Our team has over 20 years of experience handling serious injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents, including motor bikes; malpractice claims in both pediatric and adult populations; head injuries; spinal injury and wrongful death. The central idea is that our clients are all individuals who have suffered serious or catastrophic injury as a result of someone else's negligence or fault.
At D'Arcy & Deacon, we recognize that often individuals identified as being part of a vulnerable population frequently receive insufficient representation in their personal injury matters. Therefore, we pride ourselves by catering to this diverse population of clients. When required, our legal team will work closely with an individual's multi-disciplinary health team which may include physician, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, social workers, aboriginal community and spiritual guidance works, addiction specialists and rehabilitation specialists.
We recognize that the law firm you hire is one of the most important decisions in your recovery and rebuilding process. Our goal is to provide you with the legal advice, tools, support and where necessary experts, to both advance your case to a point of resolution, while also providing the external rehabilitation team to help you rebuild what has been lost. We not only bring the legal expertise to each of our client's cases but also bring extensive experience practicing in the healthcare profession.